Dear Member,
Thank you for signing up in 2024. Without your membership, our football club could not exist, members like you really are the lifeblood of our footy club.
Membership brings expectation and hope. Expectation that the players prepare well and give everything they can, training after training, match after match… effort after effort. Without this the ultimate success we all hope for would not be possible.
As our senior coach Jade ‘Twig’ Rawlings said in the video you just watched, the players are giving a huge amount of effort. They have been at it for 16 weeks, 80 sessions and 1000s of hours just to be ready for Round 1. As a member you expect this, the harder they work, the better they get! Similar can be said for membership. The more members the stronger our club gets! We all know it, but do we demand it of each other like we demand it of our players?
We all want a Norwood Football Club that is super-fit on and off the field – players getting stronger and stronger, and a membership base that is getting stronger and stronger! This being the case, let’s all take up the challenge and demand of ourselves another effort like we expect from our players.
One more effort will find one more member, but only if we demand of ourselves what we demand of the players.
Sign up mum, dad, sister, brother, son or daughter. Maybe your effort is to give a birthday gift that lasts a whole season or maybe it’s bringing back a mate who hasn’t been a member for a few years. However you make it happen, it’s one small effort for you, one giant leap for Norwood!!
Fortis (Strength) is in our DNA and our club grows stronger with every member, so let’s all move into 2024 together, and make just one more effort to make us stronger. FORTIS 24 – One Effort More.
The new member will then be sent their membership pack and you will join the FORTIS 24 Club …. A club for members that gave One Effort More to make our club stronger!
Ensure you or the new member enters your details (Full Name, Mobile) in the FORTIS 24 – One Effort More section when checking out.
Each week we will update the FORTIS 24 honour page and our Member Update email acknowledging the new FORTIS 24 members who gave One Effort More!
As a member you expect the players to give effort after effort after effort, now demand it of yourself to give just One Effort More and help our football club get stronger and back above 4000 members.
Like the ultimate success, it’s possible, but only if we all give One Effort More.
FORTIS 24 – One Effort More
Kevin Mounsey
Cressida O’Hanlon
Peter Seekamp
Jim Michalanney
Nick Jackman
Warren James Foster
Mike C Stock
Brenton Klaebe
Kym Schwark
Rik Morris
Roderick McDonald
Jeff Hall
Sean Keenihan
Paul Garner
Meredith Farmer