Hope you are well and are getting excited for the beginning of the 2021 Season!
Once again, we thank you for becoming a member of the Norwood Football Club for the upcoming season. Due to COVID and the limited number of seats available in the Western Stand the Norwood Football Club would like to explain to you the process regarding access to a seat in the Western Stand.
Firstly, prior to Monday of each home game, the Norwood Football Club will send out an official communication to all qualifying members (Legends/Captains Club/Mates and Plus memberships) regarding weekly access to the Western Stand. This email will detail where and how Western Stand seats can be purchased.
Please note: In season 2021, there will be priority access but no reserved seating in the Western Stand, so once a ticket is purchased, access to specific seating is on a first come first serve basis.
To purchase you will need to visit our online store and select the Western Stand Seating option. The link to the online store will be provided in our weekly communication. Once you have selected the Western Stand product you will need to enter your 14-digit membership barcode number. The barcode number is listed on the back of your membership (ground entry) card. The validation process will ensure you are from the correct membership/coterie group which gets access to the priority period for Western Stand seating. Each barcode will unlock access to purchase one ticket and the tickets will remain on sale until the COVID restricted quantity is exhausted. Once a member barcode is accepted you will need to complete the purchase process. Within 5-10 minutes of completing the purchase you will receive an email containing a barcoded ticket attachment. This attachment should be printed and presented to the attendant for scanning at the entry to the Western Stand.
Please note:
1. The Western Stand ticket does not gain you access into the ground. It is solely used to gain access to the Western Stand.
2. After purchase, if you have not received your ticket within 5-10 minutes please check your email systems spam/junk folder to ensure it has not inadvertently been directed to this folder. Should you still have trouble accessing your ticket please contact the club on 8362 6278 and we will arrange the ticket to be resent.
FYI – For those members who miss out on access to the Western Stand, an additional number of priority seats will be available in the Southern Stand. You will not need a ticket you will just need to show your membership card to gain access to this area.
*Those members who have special needs or require special consideration for seating please contact the club on 8362 6278.
Step by step process:
The Norwood Football Club will advise members if there are any spare Western Stand Seats that have not been purchased. If they have not been purchased, they will be available for $10 each at the merchandise booth.
No, you will not, you will need a Western Stand Ticket that can be purchased online. This is the only way the club can control access to the Western Stand and meet COVID requirements.
The club will email you a link to access the Seats prior to Monday each week of the following home game.
You will only be able to purchase one seat for each unique barcode. For example, Mates Members and Captains Club receive 2 season ground entry tickets and each ticket’s barcode can potentially be used once to unlock a Western Stand ticket.
You will not receive an allocated numbered seat; you may choose from within sections A, B, C, D , E, F, G, H , I ,J to sit within the Western Stand.